Carbon dioxide capture, utilisation and storage
We have worked widely in the field of CO2 capture and geological storage (CCS) and CO2 utilisation (CCU). Our advisory services combine a strong technical understanding with the politcal, economic and regulatory issues for CCUS around the world. Services provided include:
Supporting governments to develop CCUS regulation (including in Europe, China, South Africa, Botswana)
Developing GHG accounting standards for CCUS
Advising firms on financing, regulatory and MRV requirements for CCUS projects
Supporting future policy direction in decarbonising power generation and heavy industry
Clients include: the World Bank; the Asian Development Bank; the European Commission; International Energy Agency; range of private sector organisations
Project examples:

Technology Roadmap for CCS to 2050
International Energy Agency
Carbon Counts provided technical assistance to the IEA secretariat to develop a set of metrics – quantitative and qualitative measures – by which to define key milestones for global CCS deployment to 2050 under the BLUE Map scenaio of global GHG emissions reduction, as well as support in drafting and presentation of the Roadmap. Additional technical analysis was provided in support of the 2013 update relating to CCS potential within industrial sectors worldwide.

Roadmap for CCS Deployment in China
The Asian Development Bank
Carbon Counts is providing ongoing technical, economic and policy expertise as part of a large-scale programme financed by the ADB to assess the potential for CCS in China. As well as in-depth quantitative analysis, the study involves developing specific policy recommendations to implement an enabling environment for CCS and carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) demonstration and deployment within the country.

Assessment of CCS potential in Egypt
The World Bank
Carbon Counts supported the World Bank, in partnership with ERM and local experts in Egypt to undertake a review of the CCS deployment potential in-country. The study sought to assess the national capture and storage potential and to identify specific opportunities for pilot scale projects. Barrier analysis sought to identify challenges to deployment of CCS in Egypt and to identify gaps and needs. Ongoing capacity building activities throughout the project involved holding several stakeholder workshops and awareness-raising exercises.

Global assessment of CCS deployment potential at high purity CO2 sources UNIDO
Carbon Counts assisted the United National Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in preparing its CCS Roadmap for Industry. We were invited to help compile global data and analysis for high purity sectors - gas processing, ammonia and fertiliser production, synthetic fuel production amongst others - involving industrial processes which produce CO2 streams that are readily amenable to compression,transport and storage. The report is part of a series of sector assessments that are assisting in the Roadmap design.

Demonstrating CO2 capture in UK industrial sectors by 2025
Carbon Counts worked as part of a consortium including Element Energy, PSE, Imperial College and the University of Sheffield undertaking an in-depth study for the UK Government to assess the potential for CCS and CCUS within UK industry over the next decade. Carbon Counts led on the assessment of CCUS application, undertaking scenario-based techno-economic modelling and policy appraisal.

Demonstrating CCS projects under the CDM
The Global CCS Institute
Carbon Counts assisted the GCCSI in preparing an introductory manual on preparing CCS projects under the modalities and procedures for inclusion of the technology under the CDM. These modalities and procedures for CCS under the CDM were agreed at COP17 in Durban, and the manual now forms a useful resource for project developers wishing to proceed with projects.