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Climate policy and strategy


Up-to-date knowlegde of climate change mitigation policy and legislation at international, regional and national levels is key to provision of all our services. Our expertise has helped clients to:


  • Assess the risk of carbon lock-in from energy and infrastructure investment

  • Identify issues and options to address carbon leakage

  • Understand the potential and barriers for emerging emission reduction technologies


Clients include: the UK Government; the European Commission (DG CLIMA)


Project examples:

Options for CO2 reuse within European Union climate action policies European Commission

Carbon Counts was commissioned to undertake a study, working with Ecofys, to assess the potential for long-term reuse options for CO2 captured from point sources as a potential alternative to storage of the CO2 in geological formations. We provided technical, economic and policy analysis across range of potential CCU applications in the context of EU policy and regulatory application.

Carbon Lock-in toolkit for use in developing countries UK Dept. for International Development

Carbon Counts worked in partnership with ECA for DFID on a study which looked at the risk of carbon lock-in to the International Climate Fund (ICF) priority countries. The main output was a simple framework that can be used by ICF policy leads and DFID country offices to assess this risk in relation to nationally significant investments undertaken.

A Sectoral Approach - GHG mitigation in the cement industry WBCSD Cement Sustainability Initiative 


This project provided seminal analysis on the potential implications of adopting various "sectoral approaches" models to global emissions abatement in heavy industries.  The report summarises the research, which explores the implications of different potential options - sectoral credting, sectoral trading, global caps, and no-lose targets - in terms of emissions abatement options and costs, and trade impacts for the cement industry worldwide.

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