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Regulatory design and implementation


We have worked with a range of clients to consider regulatory issues associated with climate mitigation, and assisted governments and agencies to design implementation frameworks to support policy objectives. Rather than focus on legal issues, we work to develop regulatory solutions that can help accomodate new abatement technologies and methods in an environmentally safe manner. Our work has helped clients to:


  • Identify regulatory issues associated with supporting climate mitigation

  • Establish the regulatory basis and approaches for emission reduction technologies


Clients include: the World Bank; the European Commission; Department of Energy (South Africa); Department of Environmental Affairs (Botswana); CNH (Mexico); DG MIGAS (Indonesia)


Project examples:

Carbon Capture and Storage: Model Regulatory Framework
International Energy Agency

Carbon Counts assisted the IEA in preparing its Model Regulatory Framework for CCS. The framework is designed to support countries in implementing national and regional regulations for CCS for the first time. It draws on good practice from a range of jurisdictions (e.g. US, Australia, EU) that are proceeding with implementation of CCS regulations at the current time. It is also designed to be consistent with emerging international laws and standards for CCS (e.g. OSPAR Convention, London Convention, IPCC). 

Designing Gas Flare Reduction Policy and Regulations in Indonesia
World Bank GGFR Partnership

Carbon Counts supported the World Bank GGFR Partnership, working with partners ECA, to undertake an assessment of gas flare reduction potential, and development of a policy framework, in the Indonesian oil and gas sector, in support of government policy to reduce GHG emissions from flaring in the country's upstream oil and gas sector.

Developing a Regulatory Framework for Carbon Capture and Storage in South Africa 
The World Bank

Carbon Counts supported the World Bank and South African Department of Energy in considering regulatory options for CCS projects in South Africa. The multi-phase project involved analysis of existing legislation in South Africa, and an assessment of the applicability, suitability, gaps and barriers in the legal framework. We also considered instutitional capacity to establish and enforce regualtions for CCS. Drawing on this review, options were developed based around a workshop-driven process involving Government departments and officials in the Inter-departmental Task Team for CCS.

Development of documentation relating to CCS under the CDM

UNFCCC Secretariat


Supporting the UNFCCCC Secretariat to develop documentation that facilitated consideration of the CCS under the Kyoto Protocol’s clean development mechanism, including preparation of the UNFCCC Synthesis Reports, technical workshops, and Draft Modalities and Procedures.

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